Flexıbılıty of Technology Makes Language Learnıng and Teachıng Easy

  • Ms. Christina Jayanthi, Ms. Chitra Devi


Since technology breaks the ice, the second language learners who always struggle in learning language started to feel happy. Due to many reasons the language learners struggle in continuing the process of learning.  Unaffordable, busy and low ability are the few reasons among them.  The flexibility of technology helps the learners who stopped learning due to above reasons.  No need of black board, chalk & class rooms. Students are motivated to achieve their potential by Pencil company.  To reduce the educators’ burden, teachers raise fund was introduced by DonorsChoose .  Assignments can be sent through email.  Mobile hotspot brings internet access even into the remote areas. Learning through mobile phone comes under informal learning which was introduced by Knowes(1950).  To create communication between teachers and students, Google class room was designed.  Under the create button, questions, quizzes and assignments can be created.  Without following traditional method of learning, learners can learn through on-line and off-line apps.  A research was conducted by Dr. RamyaGangaiamaran& Dr. MadhumathiPasupadhi to find out correct app according to level of the students.   Increasing need of resources are satisfied by You tube. Due to flexibility of technology, learning process will never get stopped.

Keywords–Flexibility of technology, Unaffordable, busy, low ability, email, hotspot, mobile phone, google class room, apps, You tube

How to Cite
Ms. Christina Jayanthi, Ms. Chitra Devi. (2020). Flexıbılıty of Technology Makes Language Learnıng and Teachıng Easy. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(06), 6734 - 6737. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/22355