Environmental Impact Assessment of Air and Acoustic Pollution Due to Traffic at Roadways

  • Priyanka Sarma, Sandeep Singh


With the roaring economy in most of India's metropolitan cities like Chandigarh since last decade, the quantity of automobiles and building locales have duplicated and outside air and acoustic contamination has been a significant wellbeing peril. Understanding that noise and air contamination is one of the issue of Chandigarh city, this present research focussed to examine air quality and noise pollution in different areas of Chandigarh city. Environmental parameters like PM2.5 and PM10 were determined to know the total particular issue in the selected regions. Further, the study is centered to build up some eco-accommodating control dampers for the alleviation of the terrible problem of noise. To build up that device, it needs a few information which is gathered from cloggedcrossingpointsofthecity.Thesenoisebarriersproposedforthestudywouldlikelyhelpinabsorptionofnoisefromtraffic spatially.

How to Cite
Priyanka Sarma, Sandeep Singh. (2020). Environmental Impact Assessment of Air and Acoustic Pollution Due to Traffic at Roadways. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(10s), 5351-5357. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/22189