Soil Stabilization Using Stone Dust and Jute Fibre

  • Khushpreet Singh


Over the past few years a lot of research has been done on stabilization of soil using conventional stabilizers like rice husk ash, lime etc. Studies have been made for stabilization of soil using Stone Dust and Jute Fibre individually but limited research has been carried out using the combination of S.D and Jute Fibre. Limited research has been carried on the effect of S.D and Jute Fibre on Shear Strength Test of clayey and expansive soil. The effects of stabilization on, consolidation properties, shear strength, splitting tensile strength, stiffness and hydraulic conductivity of expansive soil have not been studied by most of the researchers. A research was conducted using various percentages of stone dust (10%, 20%, 30% and 40%) and Jute Fibre (0.25%, 0.50%, 0.75% and 1.00%). Firstly tests were done on stone dust to fix the optimum percentage and further work was carried out on jute fibre with variable percentages and fix percentage of Stone dust

How to Cite
Khushpreet Singh. (2020). Soil Stabilization Using Stone Dust and Jute Fibre. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(10s), 5189-5200. Retrieved from