Efficiency of Phosphate Based Admixed Corrosion Inhibitor in Combined Ingress Environment

  • Himanshu Guleria


Reinforced concrete is the most common worldwide material used in construction industry. Carbon dioxide and chloride ions in environment results in a significant problem in concrete termedascorrosion.CorrosioninconcretehasbecomenemesistoRCCstructures.Theaimof this article is to study the efficiency of TEP (tri ethyl phosphate) corrosion inhibitor in combined ingress environment in pore solution as well as OPC and PPC based concrete specimen. Half-cell potential, polarization resistance and mass loss techniques performed for measuring steel corrosion. The interpretation of electrochemical results allowed author to conclude that TEP performed as inhibitor in pore solution as compared to concrete specimen. Carbonation depth and free chloride content in concrete specimen checked for combined ingress environment. The results were compared and new insights for the mechanism of phosphate group as inhibitor in steel of concrete wereobtained.

How to Cite
Himanshu Guleria. (2020). Efficiency of Phosphate Based Admixed Corrosion Inhibitor in Combined Ingress Environment. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(10s), 5162-5173. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/22155