Comprehensive Review on Mcraly Coatings: Structure, Properties and Future
MCrAlY are helpful alloy coatings in an endeavor to enrich oxidation-resistance, corrosion resistance and ductility of materials of numerous components,which can be subjected to high temperature applications. These coatings can be employed as standalone coatings as well as bond coats for thermal barrier coating systems (TBCs).This review summarizes the results of previous studiesconducted by several researchers on diverse aspects of MCrAlY coatings used for various applications areas in regarding enhancement of different properties of substrate materials.The studies reported that MCrAlY coatings are also dying out with depletion of Cr and Al elements and elemental inter-diffusion between the coatings and the substrate. This articleconfersthe prospects of other reforms in MCrAlY coatings to reduce elemental inter-diffusion in the coated region and the substrate and to lengthen service life-span of the MCrAlY coatings.