Scramjet Combustor Mixing Enhancement by Corrugated Strips for Non Reactive Jets – A Computational Approach
Usually scramjet experiences high Mach number at inlet which paves way for partial combustion that enhances the rich mixture of fuels. Implementing cavity assisted techniques can be asignificant method for future scramjets to improve the efficiency of combustion that avoids rich mixture throughout the entire process. This work will be a numerical approach by enhancing unsteady effects of non mixing flow through the scramjet combustor by implementing single cavity inside the combustor.The unsteady effects are perforated by creating a corrugated cavity at exactly 150mm from the inlet through which the flow field is flowing with a constant length to depth ratio of 3. Additionally this work is regenerated by means of changing the depth of each corrugated sections from 2mm to 8mm by even numerical variations. These segments are employed to develop recirculation phenomenon for the incoming non reactive flow field thatextends the timing of the combustion with an inlet mach of 2.5