Impact of Motivational Factors on the Performance of Teacher in Higher Education Institutions

  • K K Ramachandran


For any of the given country, education is the core activity needed for the development of the same. Almost all the countries, all over the world are in the process of imparting technical education to the youth of their country in order to make them more computable and useful to take the active part in the development of the country. Then on the other hand, the respective workforce of the country is looking forward for their part of development which belongs to the respective employers, for whom they are working. Even for the employers, this is necessary that they should have a work-force that is highly motivated and works for the attainment of organizational goals in a collective manner. In order to achieve the same many of the organizations are taking various steps to motivate their employees with different types of monetary and non-monetary motivation and all of them are having different definitions for the same and they also need some or the other kind of standards to be maintained at all the levels. This present study focuses on the identification of such standardized practices related to motivation and comparing the same with the perception of the employees working in the said institutions of Jaipur.

How to Cite
Ramachandran, K. K. (2019). Impact of Motivational Factors on the Performance of Teacher in Higher Education Institutions. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28(1), 86 - 94. Retrieved from