The Specifics Of The Organization Of Teaching English To Younger Schoolchildren In Modern Conditions

  • Barno Abdullaeva, Albina Sadikova, Laylo Akhmedova Nodira Akhmedova, Ozod Uralov


Psychologists note that the rules and requirements that adults place on children have special meanings for the younger student. The unity of requirements, the constancy of these requirements and the necessity of their fulfillment by children is the way to form stereotypes of behavior, the way to develop useful habits and necessary skills.

How to Cite
Barno Abdullaeva, Albina Sadikova, Laylo Akhmedova Nodira Akhmedova, Ozod Uralov. (2020). The Specifics Of The Organization Of Teaching English To Younger Schoolchildren In Modern Conditions. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), 3402 - 3411. Retrieved from