Software development for solving multi-stage tasks using dynamic programming with separable breakdown

  • Fayzullaev Ubaydulla Sagdullaevich


This paper discusses how to solve multi-step processes in the form of a matrix and solve problems through dynamic programming. Typically, in practice, the problem of constructing models of multi-stage processes is, as a rule, complicated by the versatility, uncertainty and nonlinearity of the modeled objects, complete or partial lack of expert experience and analytical description of the dependencies. The transition from one state to another is manifested as a function, and when the study is carried out at the analytical level, additional conditions are required, such as the production of the first, sometimes the second, function. If we express the state of multi-step procedures in the form of a matrix, the problem can be solved using dynamic programming

How to Cite
Fayzullaev Ubaydulla Sagdullaevich. (2020). Software development for solving multi-stage tasks using dynamic programming with separable breakdown. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(11s), 1931 - 1936. Retrieved from