A Study on Learning Style Preference in Comparison with the Academic Achievement

  • Fr. Dr. D. Sunder Reddy, Dr. Rani Gujari, Navneet Parihar


The purpose of this study is to find the students preferred learning style for the desired academic performance. The study will be beneficial for all the faculty if it can identify the preferred learning styles of student so that the faculty can use appropriate ICT technology in their teaching methodologies. The study is focused on basically 5 learning styles of students. Visual style, the teaching methodology that may be used for this style is either a power point presentation or a video lecture. The second one is auditory style which is the traditional lecture method/instruction method where the teacher details about the subject orally. The third style is kinaesthetic style in which the faculty will teach the student through various activities like role plays, simulations, activities, etc. The fourth style that is considered is student individual learning style, in this the faculty instructs the students individually the subject. The fifth style that is measured in this article is group learning, in this method the faculty explains the subject by dividing the class into groups. The research design used is exploratory. A standard structured VAK questionnaire is administered to students to gather data. The findings were inconclusive about the VAK styles, but have been detrimental with individual vs group learning styles.

How to Cite
Fr. Dr. D. Sunder Reddy, Dr. Rani Gujari, Navneet Parihar. (2020). A Study on Learning Style Preference in Comparison with the Academic Achievement. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(11s), 1664 - 1669. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/21684