Design and Development of Autonomous Car Using Neural Networks
In modern era, occurring of accidents by humans are becoming more. So, to overcome this problem autonomous cars are used to avoid accidents. Autonomous cars are to be the future big evolution in human transportation. Autonomous vehicles are developing technology to make the car self-driving. The autonomous vehicles are focused to be independent to give safety and relaxed drive to humans. Automobile industries are developing self-driving cars. In the field of automobile industries various aspects has been considered which makes vehicle should be automated. In this paper, we have developed the different features for self-driving car and its working based on detection of traffic signals. Also, the working model is implemented as a prototype vehicle. The vehicle is designed based on the path created in the model. It avoids the obstacles and detects the traffic signal with forward movement. The proposed model provides better visibility in detection of traffic signals when compared with manual driving. Moreover, raspberry pi is the central processor which acts as a minicomputer of the proposed model. Various images are captured by the camera module i.e., pi camera for capturing the images. Finally, the captured images are fed for Image processing techniques using Artificial Intelligence.