Complaintsof Musculoskeletal Disorders on Rebar Menat PT. Tatamulai a Nusantara Indah in the Project of Ciputra Mall Construction Raya Cikupa, Tangerang
Work Safety and Health(K3) is always developing either nationally or globally especially in the industrial sector. One of the industries that have to apply Work Safety and Health is operated in the construction field. The objective of this research is to find out factors related to complaints of Musculoskeletal Disorder on rebar men at the construction of Ciputra Raya mall in Cikupa, Tangerang. The method of Research used qualitative analytic by using primary data (questionnaire) and used a cross-sectional design. The sampling technique used was Total sampling with the number of samples was 52 rebar men. The data of complaints of musculoskeletal disorders used a questionnaire of 16 items related to 2 variables and questionnaire of Nordic Map concerning with complaints of MSDs with questions about complaints in the body parts felt by workers. The statistical test used chi-square. The result of the research, rebar men in structure averagely had very high complaint of MSDs as many as 65,4%. Based on bivariate analysis can be known that there was a significant correlation of smoking habit and complaint of Musculoskeletal Disorders was obtained P-value (0,01) with a significance level a=0,05.
Keywords: work safety and health, musculoskeletal disorders, construction