Mechanism for Forming Economic Losses from Error

  • Irgashev A.A., Miraliyev A.K., Ergashev F.A., Jabborov H.Sh.


This article discusses factors affecting the accuracy of measurements and forming economic losses of production from an increase in the error of measuring instruments, the mechanism for generating economic losses from the error of selected measuring instruments, which consists in the presence of unaccounted financial losses. Based on examples from the practice of mechanical engineering, the need is substantiated for the constant striving for the nominal value and for reducing the spread of parameter values ​​even within the boundaries established by normative documentation and standards. The Taguti loss function is presented, which is a new approach for determining quality indicators within tolerances, at a small deviation from the boundaries of the nominal error value, and is intended to describe the dependence of losses related to the values ​​of the quality indicator from the value of the quality indicator itself.

How to Cite
Irgashev A.A., Miraliyev A.K., Ergashev F.A., Jabborov H.Sh. (2020). Mechanism for Forming Economic Losses from Error. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(11s), 1445 - 1449. Retrieved from