Design and Development of Automated Waste Segregator
Due to steep and tremendous increase in solid and hazardous waste the economic growth, industrialization and urbanization is becoming a major problem which needs to be solved for national and international governments to maintain balance in environment and life. According to the reports of global waste management in 2017 the market size was 303.6 billion and is expected to reach 484.9 billion by 2025, growing at a rate of 6% from 2018 to 2025 (Global Waste Management Market Report 2018. When the waste is segregated at the primary level, the economic value will be realized at its best. Segregation of waste at dump yards is time consuming that makes recycling ineffectual. The segregation, handling, transport and disposal of waste is necessary to manage properly to reduce the ill risk of public health and environment. Currently there are very few but expensive systems for segregation of waste at the household level. This paper proposes the design and development of an Automated Waste Segregator for household level which is cheaper and easy to use than the current technologies. The waste segregation is designed to segregate waste explicitly in step by step process using ESP 32 as the controller. This paper is designed using IR sensor, inductive proximity sensor and moisture sensor to classify and separate metallic waste, dry waste and wet waste and it can also monitor the levels of bins using IOT-ThingSpeak .