Unmanned Surveillance Robot For Defence Applications

  • Pramod Kalyan P., Pranav V. Bhardhwaj, Bala Manjunath D. S., PruthviKaruturi, Rajashekhar C.Biradar


In today’s world, there has been a great deal of research going on in the field of unmanned vehicles, which incorporates unmanned ground vehicle (UGVs), unmanned aerial vehicle (UAVs) and unmanned water vehicle (UWVs).Recent innovative advances have made conceivable the improvement of Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV), which can perform different errands effectively, for example, watching and observation, saving Human resources.

This paper proposes a metal detection and live surveillance mechanism in mine field for defense covered geographical area using metal detectors placed in autonomous vehicle. The vehicle is connected via Zig Bee/Bluetooth with help of smart phone/personal computer application software controlled by central unit remotely. This system conveys the information such as an intruder, animal, a metal piece or any physical obstructions on the pathway of the surveillance vehicle to a central unit on frequent basis. Prototype model detects a metal piece within a depth of 3 inches within ground and human identification within the vicinity of 2 meters from the vehicle.

How to Cite
Pramod Kalyan P., Pranav V. Bhardhwaj, Bala Manjunath D. S., PruthviKaruturi, Rajashekhar C.Biradar. (2020). Unmanned Surveillance Robot For Defence Applications. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(10s), 3754-3763. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/20943