In-Depth Scrutiny of Asian English as a Second Language (ESL) Learners’ Written Texts: Sentence Construction And Syntacticelements
This article is aimed at figuring out the sentence constructions and syntactic elements of the two Asian ESL learners’ written texts from different backgrounds in terms of sentence classes, clause classes, kinds of verb, kinds of tense and aspects, as well as other sorts were scrutinized. In this study, quantitError! Bookmark not defined.Error! Reference source not found.ative and qualitative approaches were applied. The results showed that both students frequently applied S-V-O = Np (Noun phrase) + Aux (Auxiliary) + Vp (Verb phrase) as the sentence formfor the simple sentence. The S-4 learner applied a larger quantity of the complex sentences, in which the form was S = Np (Noun phrase) plus Aux (Auxiliary) plus Vp (Verb phrase) plus Sc (Subordinating conjunction)plusNp (Noun phrase) plus Aux (Auxiliary) plus Vp (Verb phrase). The findings also proved the hypothesis that the S-2 learner applied a larger number of short simple sentence; he used a high recurrence of subject/personal pronouns; and applied a limited number of compound and complex sentences, whereas the S-4 learner constructed wide-ranging kinds of the simple sentence, the complex-compound sentence, as well as the complex sentences.It indicated that the S-2 learner had a low ability dealing with the sentence construction and the syntacticelements than the S-4 learner.Therefore, this scrutiny may well deliver a worthwhile understanding for the English language teachers to plan operative approaches in teaching the English lesson and to conduct appropriate supplement actions for the forthcoming instruction in the teaching circumstances.