Secured Search for Personal Health Record using DES Algorithm

  • N. Praveen Kumar Reddy, Dr. A. Sivanesh kumar


Cloud-based Personal Health Record structures have great potential in supporting the organization of individual wellbeing records. Security and confirmation concerns are among the focal deterrents for the wide assembling of CB-PHR structures. Right now, consider a multi-source CB-PHR framework in which unmistakable information suppliers, for example, emergency focuses and masters are avowed by specific information proprietors to move their own one of a kind success information to an untrusted open cloud. The wellbeing data are submitted in an encoded structure to ensure data security, and each datum provider moreover submits mixed data records to engage requests over the encoded information. We propose a Data Encryption Standard calculation whereby the cloud can merge the blended information records from different information suppliers without understanding the archive content. It empowers efficient and security saving request dealing with in that a data customer can introduce a lone data question the cloud can process over the encoded data from every related datum suppliers without understanding the solicitation content.

How to Cite
N. Praveen Kumar Reddy, Dr. A. Sivanesh kumar. (2020). Secured Search for Personal Health Record using DES Algorithm. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(9s), 6902 - 6906. Retrieved from