Exploring The Impact Of Social Media On Customer Engagement

  • Majeed Mohammed, Asare Charles, Ahmed Tijani, Cole Nana Arko


The competitive pressure and growth of markets, compelled by globalization is making firms act digitally. Thisstudy seeks to understand the effect of social media and customer engagement, as informed by the theories of uses and gratification and COBRA models. Primary data for this study were drawn from a sample of 401 Ghanaian social media users, using closed ended structured questionnaire. We conducted confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), Common method Bias (CMB and hypothesis test. The findings indicate that surveillance, social interaction, entertainment, information sharing and remuneration have positive impact on contribution, creation and consumption engagement. Implications these findings for policy planning are discussed..

How to Cite
Majeed Mohammed, Asare Charles, Ahmed Tijani, Cole Nana Arko. (2020). Exploring The Impact Of Social Media On Customer Engagement. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(9s), 6766 - 6781. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/20425