Work Life Integration: New Work Paradigmin 21st Century

  • SC Vetrivel , V. Krishnamoorthy, D.Babin Dhas.


A nation may be endowed with abundant natural and physical resources and the necessary capital and technology but unless there are competent people who can mobilize, organize and harness the resources for production of goods and services, it cannot make rapid strides towards economic and social advancement. The strengths and weakness of an organization are determined by the quality of its human resources, which play a vital role in using other organizational resources and the development process of modern economies. We are already living in the future. In the current day and age, the advancement of technology has brought forth the creation of more and more tools to enable new ways for people to collaborate and work virtually. This paradigm has allowed for specific tailored alternatives for work life integration in the 21st century. When talking about work in the past, many people strive for a work life balance –keeping work life and personal life strictly separated however we can see that trend is slowly shifting to a more integrated approach.

How to Cite
SC Vetrivel , V. Krishnamoorthy, D.Babin Dhas. (2020). Work Life Integration: New Work Paradigmin 21st Century. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(9s), 6664 - 6673. Retrieved from