Secured Authentication For Passwords Using Hash Code

  • K.Kalaiselvi, Maria Israel Sathyan, S.Gopika


Information security or Data Security or Computer security is the vital aspect of all the Information Technology businesses of varying size and types. Information security denotes to the protective methods of securing data from unauthorized access and data corruption during the course of the data lifecycle. In the practice, they deploy data security solutions which comprise of tokenization, cryptography, and key management processes that protect data. The objective of this paper is to construct an efficient cryptographic algorithm in the form of Hashing with desirable properties which protects the passwords during data transmission. A new Hashing algorithm is developed to thwart hacking through SQL injection where the database is hacked to access the stored passwords. The proposed algorithm provides a technique to generate a hashed password and permits authentication only to the legitimate users.

How to Cite
K.Kalaiselvi, Maria Israel Sathyan, S.Gopika. (2020). Secured Authentication For Passwords Using Hash Code. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(9s), 6534 - 6540. Retrieved from