Wisdom Extraction from English Poems Using Two-Level Feature Selection with Rough Set Theory

  • Saif Ali Abd Alradha, Ahmed T. Sadiq, Hasanen S.Abdullah


Wisdom is an opinion that can be considered as guidance or advice. It's from people that have experience and ability to reasoning from life to enable others to take judgment about some topic The source of term Wisdom from the Greek word Sapientia. The opinion is almost correct to describe some issue. Which is reasonable is the outcome of having the ability to judge correctly and possess the best course of action based on knowledge. Text mining is one of good technique use to Extract Knowledge from text data by searching in the content of text file. One of the text data available in form digital text is English Poems which is founded on the internet web pages and other text files. In this paper, we will design a new artificial system for solving the problem for detecting the wisdom in English poem by design Machine learning model to extract the wisdom from English poetry by using two-level for feature selection: Part of Speech (POS)and Term Frequency (TF) to select the feature and machine learning Algorithm Rough Set theory to extract wisdom sentence from a poem

Keywords: Wisdom, Text Mining, Rough Set, Poem, Part-of-Speech POS

How to Cite
Saif Ali Abd Alradha, Ahmed T. Sadiq, Hasanen S.Abdullah. (2020). Wisdom Extraction from English Poems Using Two-Level Feature Selection with Rough Set Theory. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(04), 2315 - 2329. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/20319