Occupational stress among Nurses- An Empirical Analysis Conducted in Selected Government Hospitals of Sonitpur District

  • Mithu Boro, Dr Mala Chaliha Talukdar


Occupational stres is an employee’s mental state aroused by a work situation or a combination of work situations perceived as presenting excessive and different demands. Nurses are an integral part of health services playing a very important role in the curative preventive and promoting aspect of health care in the community. In various studies, it is revealed that the occupation of nurses is very stressful. Stress plays a hazardous impact on nurse’s physical and mental health. The purpose of this study is to examine the level of occupational stress and the areas in which the level of occupational stress is high. 120 nurses from Kanaklata civil hospital and Tezpur medical college are selected for data collection. The technique used for the data collection was purposive sampling. The result shows that majority of the nurses have a moderate level of occupational stress. It is also revealed that in areas like role overload and role role ambiguity, unprofitability the occupational stress is high. There is a significant difference in occupational stress is exists between the various age groups.

Keywords: Occupational stress, Nurse.

How to Cite
Mithu Boro, Dr Mala Chaliha Talukdar. (2020). Occupational stress among Nurses- An Empirical Analysis Conducted in Selected Government Hospitals of Sonitpur District. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(4s), 3747 - 3755. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/20174