Ontology Matching based Personalization Recommendation System

  • Mahima


In current development there has been a massive growth in e-learning contents through online study and learning executive systems. In this context, personalize recommendation in e-learning has been more important that arises several issue; thereby need take attention in that direction. The proposed system used ontology matching for recommender systems among other approaches to give personalized recommendations. Web recommendation has appeared as intellectual approach as it summarizes the user web surfing behavior with describes the meaning of keywords while exploring the same on server rather than simply accessing the relative senses. It improves the possibility of accessing the desired and significant information by development the information for end user as well as computers.

How to Cite
Mahima. (2020). Ontology Matching based Personalization Recommendation System. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(08), 1206 - 1211. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/20135