Analysis of algortima VIšekriterijumsko KOmpromisno Rangiranje (VIKOR) on the selection of the best Watermelon Fruit Types as Farmer Strategy Management

  • Hendry, Salmiah, Betty Sahetapy, Fransina S Latumahina


The aim of the research is to utilize the decision support system techniques in making decisions on the selection of the best types of watermelons as a management strategy for farmers. We know that watermelon is the type of fruit that is most sought after by the people, especially in Indonesia. With several different types of variants, an attractive choice for public consumption. But in reality, it is difficult to determine what type of watermelon to be superior, certainly judged by the quality of the fruit produced. The many criteria that affect the quality of good fruit, certainly becomes a problem to be solved. This is also an advantage in the form of a management strategy for farmers to cultivate the best type of watermelon with varieties. The data in this study were obtained by observing and giving questionnaires directly to consumers, the trader and fruit farmers which were carried out randomly. The location of the study was conducted in Simalungun Regency. The technique used in problem solving is VIKOR (Vise Kriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje). The criteria used as an assessment are: Color (C1), Size (C2), Taste (C3), Water Content (C4). Variants that are alternative are: Sweet Beauty Watermelon (A1), Yellow Baby Watermelon (A2), Farmer Giant Watermelon (A3) and New Dragon Watermelon (A4). The results of the VIKOR calculation recommend that the type of Watermelon New Dragon (A4) be the first alternative with a value of -0.88 and the Yellow Baby Watermelon (A2) be the second alternative with a value of 0.242.

How to Cite
Hendry, Salmiah, Betty Sahetapy, Fransina S Latumahina. (2020). Analysis of algortima VIšekriterijumsko KOmpromisno Rangiranje (VIKOR) on the selection of the best Watermelon Fruit Types as Farmer Strategy Management. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(08), 1199 - 1205. Retrieved from