The Effect Of Social Media As A Health Promotion Media In An Effort To Increase Coronavirus Disease Knowledge (Covid-19) In East Java Province

  • Siti Mudrikatin, S.Si.T, M.Kes


            Case of COVID-19 dated May 15, 2020 in Indonesia there was an increase continuously there were 262,919 people in monitoring, 34,360 patients were monitored, positive COVID-19 there were 16,496 people, recovered 3,803 people, died 1,076 people, data in East Java province showed cases COVID-19 people were monitored 22,497 people, patients under surveillance 4,625 confirmed cases of COVID-19 there were 1,921 people, so it was necessary to increase public knowledge about coronavirus (COVID-19) by providing information with health promotion media that most people preferred was social media. The study used qualitative and analytic design with nonequivalent control group design, a sample of 120 respondents from 2 cities, namely Surabaya, there were 60 respondents as an intervention group and 60 respondents in the city of Mojokerto as a control group in East Java Province. The respondent's knowledge variables were measured using a self-administered method questionnaire before and after the treatment was given. The intervention group and the control group which included the characteristics of the respondents namely age, education and social media access behavior about coronavirus (COVID-19) there were no differences in variables. There was no difference in the level of knowledge of respondents in the intervention group (mean = 42.19) and the control group (mean = 39.34) before treatment (p = 0.278). There was a significant difference between respondents' knowledge of the intervention group before (mean = 42.19) and after (mean = 78.64) treatment in the intervention group with (p = 0,000). There was no difference in the level of knowledge of respondents in the control group before (mean = 39.34) and after (mean = 40.22) (p> α, α = 0.05). Multivariate test of knowledge is obtained OR = 2,816 which means that if the community has good knowledge about COVID-19 disease then it has an opportunity to provide information through social media 2,816 times compared to people who have less knowledge. This research shows that the influence of social media as a media for health promotion in an effort to increase knowledge of coronavirus (COVID-19) in East Java Province. Increase social media about coronavirus (COVID-19) so that it can increase public knowledge in minimizing the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).

How to Cite
Siti Mudrikatin, S.Si.T, M.Kes. (2020). The Effect Of Social Media As A Health Promotion Media In An Effort To Increase Coronavirus Disease Knowledge (Covid-19) In East Java Province. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(08), 1173 - 1179. Retrieved from