Review a Novel Biosensor for Ethanol Vapour Detection

  • Pavan Kalyan Reddy. C.P., Roji Marjorie


As of in the forma industries the essentiality of ethanol increases day by day. The ethanol is used in the fabrication of soaps, petrol, household cleaning products, varnishes, and alcoholic beverages. The increase or decrease in the concentration of ethanol may cause various problems (the increase in the concentration of ethanol vapour in petrol causes an engine to seize). A review of the biosensor used in ethanol detection shows that Zn(Mn)/ZnO can be made to act as ethanol detection. So this paper proposed a new method for the accurate detection of ethanol vapour. In this paper, the Zn(Mn)/ZnO inverted core-shell quantum dots are doped in starch and synthesized using the Dip coating method. The sensitivity, absorbance, and conductivity increase by using the dip-coating method to detect the ethanol. High-resolution Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) and the X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Sodium vapour lamp (Newton's ring method) is to identify the thin films and thickness of glass plate. LCR (Inductance, Capacitance, Resistance) meter is used to detect the dielectric constant.

How to Cite
Pavan Kalyan Reddy. C.P., Roji Marjorie. (2020). Review a Novel Biosensor for Ethanol Vapour Detection. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(06), 6478 - 6482. Retrieved from