Polıtıcal Perceptıon Of Generatıon Z In Turkey

  • Dr. Uğur ORAL


Generations and periods interact with each other. The conditions of the historical periods cause the emergence of the generations, and the generations also determine the characteristic of the period they are in with their own values. Generation Z, born in 1995 and after, has been significantly affected by the fact that the new media has increased its impact on social life, and has also been called the "Digital Generation". Pragmatism, confidence, freedom, individuality, addiction to technology and speed, reflect the overall lifestyle of the Z generation. Generation Z, who completed their education and joined the business life, will soon start to take place in the managerial levels of social life. Naturally, Generation Z, which constitutes the most crowded part of the world population, will be effective in determining the new rules of political life as well as social life.

How to Cite
Dr. Uğur ORAL. (2020). Polıtıcal Perceptıon Of Generatıon Z In Turkey. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(11s), 493 - 500. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/20008