Optimization of data collection and processing in a wireless network for geo-ecological monitoring

  • Kuzichkin O. R., Eremenko V. T., Vasilyev G. S., Popov V. A., Lobanova V. A., Surzhik D. I.


Improving the efficiency of precision farming technologies requires the use of intelligent adaptive modes of information collection based on adaptive ad-hoc networks, including unmanned aerial vehicles. In this regard, it is relevant to develop a methodology for multi-level coordination of design solutions in the construction of a unified network for data collection and processing (UNDCP) of geo-ecological monitoring, which has a high technical and economic efficiency. The structure of spatial and temporal processing of heterogeneous data in the geodynamic monitoring system has been developed, which increases the efficiency of the geo-ecological monitoring network by consistently applying the solution in the process of its design. A three-stage model of the Markov decision-making process in the design of a telecommunications environment for geo-ecological monitoring is considered. This model includes the stages of choosing the location of base stations, radio interface parameters, and data collection and processing protocol. When carrying out a simulation at the second stage was carried out selection of modulation method and error-correcting coding in the radio channel at the third stage – resending a message using S-Aloha. Simulation results clearly illustrate the higher performance of the UNDCP, taking into account the decomposition of the optimization process by levels (compared to a complete search of solutions). The implementation of the proposed multi-level coordination of design solutions in the construction of a geo-ecological monitoring network allowed to eliminate computational difficulties in the choice of options for building a large-scale UNDCP.  

How to Cite
Kuzichkin O. R., Eremenko V. T., Vasilyev G. S., Popov V. A., Lobanova V. A., Surzhik D. I. (2020). Optimization of data collection and processing in a wireless network for geo-ecological monitoring. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(11s), 402 - 411. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/19994