Enhance Routing Security And Network Lifetime In WSN Using Session-Based Aggregated Host Route Identification Algorithm

  • R. Senthil Kumar, Dr M Prakash


          WSN unattended deployment of the physical environment of such sensor nodes that is vulnerable to harsh environments and attacks. Key management is the transmission of the most important wireless sensor network security data. In general, though routing of node-to-node communications is reduced in a secure data transfer network, regular routing and key management programs are shared keys installed on all neighbors of the sensor node. Routing protocols in sensor networks are designed not to focus on security, but to optimize limited resources. WSN's existing network layer security schemes can be generally divided into key management solutions and routing solutions. Dynamic Route scheduling approaches to the network some time affect the route source and destination node. The proposed solution to implement routing and aggregate data management for a large area WSN network.  For secure routing, authentication of sensor nodes in the routing path is an important factor. The previous solution zone-based routing and key management to improve the network lifetime and performance. The Session-based Aggregated host Route Identification (SAHRID) algorithm to improve the routing security and the data collection protocol to collect the data from all the nodes. In this manner the network sends an approved ‘HELLO’ message to find the node and path trust value. Session-based Path Key helps to manage the data transfer and route identification or route stability of each session. The performance of  SAHRID for analyzing 100 nodes is analyzed and calculating the ratio of packet transmission, network throughput, energy consumption, and average delay analysis. In this proposed method to improve the network route security and network parameters.

How to Cite
R. Senthil Kumar, Dr M Prakash. (2020). Enhance Routing Security And Network Lifetime In WSN Using Session-Based Aggregated Host Route Identification Algorithm. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(11s), 261 - 268. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/19976