CSFLOR – A Scheme of Fuzzy XML Rule-Based LOR for Computer Science Syllabus

  • Mona G Dave, P V Virparia


A syllabus has space to explain how a course fits into an overall curriculum. A syllabus helps to clarify the details like the topics, subtopics, references considered for the course. At present, there is a recognized need for the development of a centralized and structured repository for major computer science syllabus documents for higher education in the state of Gujarat, India. However, to develop a syllabus may include decisions based on imprecise data like the difficulty level and the depth of the syllabus. Thus, there will be vagueness in the development of syllabus as the values assigned by the expert are estimated. The applications of fuzzy logic use linguistic variables and fuzzy if–then rules. Ultimately, the usage serves as a means of summarization and aggregation through the use of granulation. In this paper fuzzy XML have been proposed to represent and process fuzzy information in the Syllabus XML document.


How to Cite
Mona G Dave, P V Virparia. (2020). CSFLOR – A Scheme of Fuzzy XML Rule-Based LOR for Computer Science Syllabus. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(06), 6096 - 6105. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/19895