Optimization Tree Based Inference to Customer Behaviors in Dynamic Control System

  • Rahmad Syah, M K M Nasution, Ismail Husein, Marischa Elveny


Finance Technology (FinTech) appears along with changes in people's lifestyles which are currently dominated by users of fast-paced information technology. Fintech definition in Bank Indonesia regulation Number 19/12/PBI/2017 is the use of financial system technology that produces new business models and can have an impact on result in the efficient, secure and reliable payment system. Population customers in transactions and behaviour information factors. In this study Fintech uses personal financial management (PFM) which can provide analysis of personal financial analysis, personal financial health assessments, and financial product recommendation services consisting of investment products, insurance and tools to monitor and Optimization Trees Inference (OTI) control the level of expenditure to fit the planning targets customer finance, as well as providing online payment services that can help in the payment transaction process that is easier, flexible and fast. Result data 14 % – 50.00% and data correction 95%.

How to Cite
Rahmad Syah, M K M Nasution, Ismail Husein, Marischa Elveny. (2020). Optimization Tree Based Inference to Customer Behaviors in Dynamic Control System. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(08), 1102 - 1109. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/19801