Analysis of Factors that are Affecting to Customer Loyalty in Online to Offline E-Commerce Case Study at XYZ E-Marketplace

  • Agny Monica Candraputri, Albert Cahyadi Gunawan, Fathan Abdussalam, Emil R. Kaburuan, Sfenrianto4, Gunawan Wang


With the increasing buying interest of customers towards the XYZ E-marketplace, and the rapid growth of the online to offline e-marketplace in Indonesia, companies must pay attention to Customer Relationship Management (CRM) to increase customer loyalty in XYZ E-marketplace. XYZ E-Marketplace is the first modern e-marketplace in Indonesia with high technology by using Artificial Intelligent for user experience. The purpose of this study is to identify XYZ E-marketplace customer loyalty. The research method used was a quantitative approach through a survey of 98 respondents in JABODETABEK. Data analysis techniques used two tools, namely (1) SPSS application as a measurement of data validity and reliability, and (2) using Structural Equation Model (SEM) which is assisted by Smart Partial Least Squares (SMARTPLS) applications to connect between variables of each model. This research is based on XYZ E-marketplace customer loyalty and the results can be used as a reference or learning. Based on the results of the analysis test, all variables are declared valid and reliable which means brand image, price perception, promotion programs, customer trust, and service convenience are factors that affecting to customer loyalty in the XYZ E-marketplace. Based on the test model stated that 5 hypotheses significantly affecting to XYZ E-marketplace customer loyalty.

How to Cite
Agny Monica Candraputri, Albert Cahyadi Gunawan, Fathan Abdussalam, Emil R. Kaburuan, Sfenrianto4, Gunawan Wang. (2020). Analysis of Factors that are Affecting to Customer Loyalty in Online to Offline E-Commerce Case Study at XYZ E-Marketplace. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(06), 5549 - 5567. Retrieved from