A Prototype Mobile Application for Clinic Appointment Reminder and Scheduling System in Erbil City

  • Payam Wali M.Hussein
  • Mohammad Salim
  • Bilal Ismael Ahmed


In healthcare, the goal of clinics and hospitals is to serve the patient in a skillful way, due to the sensitivity of patients and the high competitiveness among healthcare service providers. Across many countries systems with cutting-edge solutions have been introduced in order to enhance healthcare services throughout last years. However, in Iraq and Kurdistan region still there is a lack for such systems and particularly for clinics. Patients need to go through a time-consuming process which might require a considerable effort especially for the time of making appointment to the consultation hour. Moreover, the current available appointment systems come up with problems such as missing appointments by the patients due to the long queues given by clinics. By implementing technological solutions it’s possible to obtain benefits such as eliminating waiting lists, enhancing patient’s timely access to services and reducing no show problem. Therefore, we suggest creating a mobile application system to enhance the process of booking appointments at clinics. Thus, providing a mobile application tailored to the clinic’s needs is the main goals of this paper. Our approach is to design a prototype mobile system to facilitate the whole appointment process from the beginning to the end. The system will cover both client and clinics side. In this paper, we will propose a mobile system to improve appointment scheduling system for clinics. The findings show that 91 % of patients whom participated in the study were ready to use any sort of online appointment systems to book their next consultation hour.

How to Cite
M.Hussein, P. W., Salim, M., & Ahmed, B. I. (2019). A Prototype Mobile Application for Clinic Appointment Reminder and Scheduling System in Erbil City. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28(1), 17 - 24. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/196