Belief Culture and Family Support are the Dominant Factors Affecting Antenatal Care Compliance in Sub-Urban, Indonesia
The study aims to describe the most dominant factors affecting Antenatal Care (ANC) compliance.Thatwasa cross-sectional study. The populations are pregnant women in the 2nd and 3rdtrimester from four sub-districts inDumai City. A sample of 215 subjects participated in this study. Data werecollected by questionnaire. Data were analyzed using chi-square and multiple logistic regression.Bivariate analysis showed that there are six factors significantly associated with ANC compliance (p-value <0.05), i.e., attitudes, knowledge, belief culture, husband, family, and friends support. Multivariate analysis showed that the factors affected to ANC compliance were belief culture (Exp β: 2,455), family support (Exp β: 2,295), husband support (Exp β: 2,140), attitude (Exp β: 2,020) and friend support (Exp β: 1, 962).Conclusion,Five factors affectingAntenatal care compliance in sub-urban, i.e., attitude, belief culture, husband support, family, and friends support. The most dominant factors are belief culture and family support.We recommend that professional health workers develop health promotion designs and create a healthy support system taking into consideration our findings.
Keywords: Attitude, Belief Culture, Family Support, Pregnant women,Shamans.