Kano method for diagnosing attribute of product requirement to enhance customer satisfaction.
Ensuring customers getting satisfied is one of the critical success factors that leads to the sustainability of any product development and business. Customer satisfaction influenced by the customer requirements and reactions to a product. However, designers face a challenge to the acquisition of customer requirements that are complex and shaped by technological change and culture. Several approaches exist in literature measuring the customer requirement to satisfy the customer. However, there are limited numbers of literature analyze on the technical requirements of a product. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the attributes of a product requirement that has high potential to improve customer satisfaction at early stage of design process, based on customer requirement, by using Kano approach. This paper presented the technical requirement of an oven. For this purpose, Kano-questionnaire was delivered to 384 respondents to identify customer requirements and satisfaction. Questionnaire was developed based on functions, mechanism, and attributes of the product. Kano analysis was used to determine the quality attributes that has relation with customer satisfaction. Based on the analysis, the highest three ranking of Must-be requirements and One-dimensional requirements will be listed as a priority elements to be improved in product development. As the result, the priority elements in Must-be requirement is K1, K4, and K12. While, the elements for One-dimensional requirement is K8 and 19.