Financial Analysis and Business Sensitivity on Duck Livestock in Bandung District, West Java Province

  • Taslim , Sjafril Darana , Wendry Setiyadi, Sukono, Kalfin


This research aims to conduct financial analysis and business sensitivity on duck livestock in Bandung district, West Java province. The goal is to determine the feasibility of the business and determine the sensitivity of the business of broiler ducks to changes in input and output prices that occur. The data used are primary and secondary data, while the analysis tools are quantitative and qualitative. The research method used is a case study. Data analysis uses financial feasibility analysis and sensitivity analysis. The analysis is presented in tabular form and given a descriptive explanation. The results showed that under normal conditions the results of the financial analysis of the broiler dairy farm business were feasible to run with a positive NPV value = IDR.53,553,089; Net B/C = 1.18 > 1; IRR = 43% > i (SOCC), and PBP achieved in 2 years 2 months, BEP achieved in 5 years 8 months. Sensitivity analysis of the increase in ration prices is more sensitive than the increase in seed prices, if the input price of rations increases by 1%, it reduces the NPV value of 2.44%, if the price of seeds rises by 1% it reduces the NPV value of 1.30%. The effect of the increase in output price is very significant to the increase in NPV if the output price rises by 1%, the increase in NPV rises by 4.47%. So the investment in broiler business is more sensitive to changes in output prices than the input costs incurred.

How to Cite
Taslim , Sjafril Darana , Wendry Setiyadi, Sukono, Kalfin. (2020). Financial Analysis and Business Sensitivity on Duck Livestock in Bandung District, West Java Province. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(08), 1065 - 1071. Retrieved from