The Effects of the Use of Gadgets on Social Life Patterns among Elementary School Students

  • Ivan Stevanus, Edi Purwanto and Suwarjo


This study aims to provide empirical evidence of patterns of social disposition among students and the impact of gadget utilization. The research method used is descriptive. This research involved 150 elementary school students from four schools in Indonesia. Data obtained by surveys, observations, questionnaires, and documentation. Data analysis used multiple regression with a 95% T-test. The final result shows that the rapid development of technology can influence and change social disposition patterns. The pattern of social disposition is positively related to one's tendency to frequency the use and utilization of gadgets.

How to Cite
Ivan Stevanus, Edi Purwanto and Suwarjo. (2020). The Effects of the Use of Gadgets on Social Life Patterns among Elementary School Students. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(08), 848 - 853. Retrieved from