E-Learning Management of State Islamic University of North Sumatera in Pandemic Covid-19

  • Mesiono


Covid-19 pandemic is a source of very crucial problems, both in the social, economic and academic dimensions. So, it becomes a necessity for leaders to respond and provide solutions from relatively unfavorable situations. For example, in academic shutter, which so far learning can be carried out face-to-face, but with the Covid-19 outbreak this requires the best solution in the learning process. Among E-Learning based learning which is a priority program at State Islamic University (UIN) North Sumatera Medan as a form of digitalization program. This program is implemented with the aim of improving the quality of the learning process and in an effort to meet the demands of information technology development. For this reason, UIN North Sumatera Medan expressly enforces the official use of e-learning as an electronic-based learning medium with Rector's Decree No. 153 in 2019. The E-Learning Program was so urgent again when there was a Covid-19 that required the learning process at UIN of North Sumatera Medan to be done online. Chancellor Circular Letter Number B.07 / Un.11.R / BI3c / KS.02 / 03/2020, UIN North Sumatera Medan extends the online lecture process (in network) or online until the end of the even semester of the academic year 2019/2020 (July 11, 2020). This extension is based on one of the Circular Letter of the Director General of Islamic Education Number 697/03/2020 concerning Amendment to the Circular Letter of the Director General of Islamic Education Number 657/03/2020 Regarding the Prevention Efforts to Spread Covid-19 (Corona) in Islamic Religious Colleges. E-learning, not only subject matter is provided online, but is also characterized by the existence of a system (in the form of software) that regulates and monitors interactions between educators and students (lecturers and students), both direct (synchronous) or delayed (asynchronous). Among the e-learning facilities facilitated by UIN North Sumatera are learning media on the e-learning program, attendance list and lecture activities on the “Si-Dahlia” program and student assessment and other lecture activities at the UIN North Sumatera Medan academic portal program called SIA.

How to Cite
Mesiono. (2020). E-Learning Management of State Islamic University of North Sumatera in Pandemic Covid-19. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(05), 9573-9582. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/19133