Analysis of Iot-Enabled Smart Waste Bin Management
The concept of smart waste management is implementable in urban areas and era, waste production is domesticallyhigh but the effort put to control it is relatively very low. This idea is compatible mainly with the concept of smart cities. Thesmart waste management mainly avoids the congested collection of waste generated domestically which creates difficulty tomanage its disposal.This article presents thesmart waste management architecture for smart cities and efficient routing technique considering least delay for the architecture.In wireless sensor networks, end-to-end delay is one of the important Quality of Services (QoS) parameter to overcome delay indata communication. In this article, we consider end-to-end delay minimization in smart waste management application. Theterm “end-to-end delay” is defined as the total time taken by a single packet to reach the destination node. The proposed schemeconsiders the interference level, the length of the routing path, and the number of hops along the path.