Water Resources Availability and Management Policy in Himachal Pradesh:- A survey

  • Daljeet Kaur
  • Sudhakar Panday
  • Pardeep Singh Cheema
  • Hardeep Singh


Water is a natural resource and a basic necessity for sustaining life on earth. Himachal Pradesh is a state which is having enormous volume of water from the catchment areas of Satluj, Beas, Ravi and Chenab rives which are a part of Indus system. Most of the surface water resources of H.P. comes from the rivers which originates form the glaciers. However, ground water resources are limited. Water availability in Himachal Pradesh depends directly on its physiographic conditions including relief, drainage, climate and geology. Only one third area of cultivated land is irrigated due to its physiological conditions. Water requirements for both the domestic and industrial purposes are increasing linearly with the increase of population in the state. Himachal Pradesh is one of the few states, which has come out with their state water policy, as early as in 2005. It presents a set of general guidelines towards the planning and management of water resources. The State took the first steps by formulating its own Hydropower Policy in 2006. The HP State government is targeting to tap over 70% of the hydropower potential of the State by 2020, essentially adding 10 GW to the current potential. This study presents the details about the available natural water resources and the water requirements in Himachal Pradesh. It also gives the brief about the initiatives taken by Himachal Government for the planning and management of available water resources.

How to Cite
Kaur, D., Panday, S., Cheema, P. S., & Singh, H. (2019). Water Resources Availability and Management Policy in Himachal Pradesh:- A survey. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 27, 333 - 337. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/191