Fake Profiles Detection on Social Media Using Machine Learning

  • D. Yasho Bhavani, M. Madhu Kiran Reddy, Roja V N, G. Vineeth, Dr. I. Jeena Jacob


Those days, innovations are rising tremendously. Smart phones are getting clever. Technology is associated with virtual public webs which have become a part of making new friends and holding friends in everybody's lives. However, this rise in the number of online networks causes other issues, for example, the abnormality of their profiles.

How to Cite
D. Yasho Bhavani, M. Madhu Kiran Reddy, Roja V N, G. Vineeth, Dr. I. Jeena Jacob. (2020). Fake Profiles Detection on Social Media Using Machine Learning. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(05), 9387-9394. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/19034