An Analysis of Character Education in Learning at the Sanggau District Border Area

  • Yudi Darma et al.


This study aims to describe the planning, implementation, assessment and integration of character
education in learning, with an approach based on data exposure in the border area of Entikong
Subdistrict, Sanggau District, which specifically relates directly to the content, process and assessment
standards. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive study. The subjects of this study
are the Education Unit in the Entikong District Office of Education and Culture at the District of
Entikong, Sanggau Regency, which numbered 77 (seventy seven) people with details of 7 (seven)
principals and 70 (seventy) teachers. The data used are primary and secondary data. The findings of
this research study are: 1) The planning of character education through learning of students in
elementary schools in the UPT Office of Education and Culture Entikong District, Sanggau District has
been well implemented and internalized through: a) Reviewing Competency Standards (SK), Basic
Competencies ( KD) in each subject, b) include the character values in the syllabus, c) syllabus making
refers to the Content Standards, d) carry out the character values listed in the syllabus, e) syllabus
include cultural values and national character, f) The lesson plan (RPP) includes the character values.
2) The implementation of character education through the learning process has been going well and in
accordance with the plans made. 3) The evaluation of character education through learning has been
going very well as an improvement in attitudes that are declining and the basis of character
improvements in the school environment. Therefore, the character education assessment is carried out
in learning inside the classroom and outside the classroom during the flag ceremony

How to Cite
et al., Y. D. (2020). An Analysis of Character Education in Learning at the Sanggau District Border Area. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), 3019-3029. Retrieved from