Organizational and Economic Support of the Process of Forming of Intellectual Potential of Enterprise

  • Liuba Y. Turchyn, Olha M. Sobko, Iryna M. Boichyk, Olha Sahin, Andrij S. Zaverbnyj


The article deals with the economic and organizational support of the process of forming of
innovative potential of industrial enterprise. It has concluded that innovation potential becomes the
most crucial element of strategic enterprise management in an industrial enterprise under the
influence of increasing internal and external competition. New products, advanced technologies,
which defines the success of business activities, ensure long-term functioning and financial stability of
enterprises. The innovative orientation of economic and organizational support of the strategy and
tactics of production development poses new requirements for the content of management activities,
and it is causing the need to improve specific forms of innovation management.

How to Cite
Liuba Y. Turchyn, Olha M. Sobko, Iryna M. Boichyk, Olha Sahin, Andrij S. Zaverbnyj. (2020). Organizational and Economic Support of the Process of Forming of Intellectual Potential of Enterprise. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(9s), 5992-6000. Retrieved from