Breastfeeding Peer Support (BPS) on Mother Behavior in Breastfeeding: Scoping Review

  • Hanik Khairun Nisa and Dwi Ernawati


Exclusive breastfeeding is one of most necessary thing for fulfilling baby nutrition needs because breastmilk is the best food for the baby in their first six months of their life. However, nowadays adequacy rate of breastfeeding is still not fully achieved yet. This is caused by some inhibition factors related to exclusive breastfeeding. To overcome the barriers of breastfeeding, then World Health Organization (WHO) recommends community based health service, one of which is by creating a group of breastmilk support or Breastfeeding Peer Support (BPS). This group is formed with the purpose to spread information related to exclusive breastfeeding, IMD, and support the mothers in breastfeeding. The purpose of this scoping  is to obtain evidence based about Breastfeeding Peer Support (BPS) on mother behavior in breastfeeding. The scoping review methodology adapted the framework of Arksey& O'Malley which consisted of 5 stages, namely: determining research questions with the PICO framework (Population, Intervenion, Comparison and Outcomes), conducting literature searching using relevant databases, selecting relevant studies using inclusion and exclusion criteria; performing critical appraisal to assess the quality of literature, performing data extraction, analyzing data, mapping themes and reporting the results. Quality assessment of articles used Joana Brigs. Prism flow chart was used to describe the flow of literature searching. The results obtained were based on 10 selected articles, all articles from developed and developing countries, with quantitative and qualitative research methods. Based on the article, it was found that the themes are the Benefits of BreastfeedingPeer Support, strategy of BreastfeedingPeer Support, and Obstacles in BreastfeedingPeer Support.

How to Cite
Hanik Khairun Nisa and Dwi Ernawati. (2020). Breastfeeding Peer Support (BPS) on Mother Behavior in Breastfeeding: Scoping Review. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(08), 616 - 624. Retrieved from