Model of Wayang Dami Learning Based on Folklore to Improve Storytelling Skills
The purpose of this study is to describe the needs of learning media to tell stories and develop folklore-based puppet media. Besides, this study will test the effectiveness of the Rembang folklore-based puppet media, which will be used in learning to tell students' stories in elementary school. This research method refers to Borg and Gall's theory, using seven steps of conducting research. Data collection is carried out in several ways, namely observation techniques, interviews, and performance storytelling skills. The analysis used in this research is quantitative and qualitative. The data in this study were obtained from several sources, namely teachers and fourth-grade students of SDN Sukorejo and SDN Randagung. The results of this folklore-based Wayang Dami media prototype use three folklore in the Rembang area. The stories used in the development of folklore-based teaching materials include Panji Sering, Ki Sondong and Ki Maker, and the Origins of Silang Village. After validation by the validator, the score is 92.7 with a valid category. The application in the experimental class obtained N-gain = 0.53 in the medium group. The effectiveness test in this study was obtained by t count = 6.9. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that the puppet media Dami-based Rembang folklore can be used in learning to tell stories to elementary school students.