The Model of Law Enforcement to Reduce Copyright Infringement: Sociological Studies in Karaoke Business

  • Suparnyo, Subarkah, Hidayatullah and Wahyu Edy Amrulloh


This study aims to determine the model of law enforcement to reduce the number of cases of song piracy that often occur in karaoke businesses. The research method used is a sociological juridical approach with descriptive-analytic research specifications. This research involved the Police, the Civil Service Police Unit, the Regional Government, and the community. Data obtained by interview, observation, and literature study. Data analysis was carried out qualitatively arranged systematically. The final results show that law enforcement models can simultaneously be known and integrated by all parties involved, both from law enforcement, local government, and the community. Law enforcement and legal operation are not only determined by the legal structure and legal substance, but also the legal culture of the community.

How to Cite
Suparnyo, Subarkah, Hidayatullah and Wahyu Edy Amrulloh. (2020). The Model of Law Enforcement to Reduce Copyright Infringement: Sociological Studies in Karaoke Business. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(08), 482 - 487. Retrieved from