Compact Disc Interactive Design Tutorial and Effect on the Improvement of Learning Network Computer Lessons
This study aims to design an interactive CD wake up in order to improve student learning outcomes in subjects Computer Network. The design of an interactive CD begins with a needs analysis, interactive CD design, followed by testing before being implemented. When finished designed and built, then the interactive CD learning is implemented in Computer Networking. This type of research is classified as a Research and Development as well as descriptive correlation. From the research, it can be concluded: 1). The results of the pretest subjects Computer Networking Students of SMK Muhammadiyah Padang showed by 31.82% to exceed the criterion of completeness Minimum value. 2). Results posttest subjects Computer Networking Students of SMK Muhammadiyah Padang after using Interactive CD by 59.09% over the KKM. 3). There are significant differences between the learning-based Media Interactive CD Tutorial Computer Networking (Class Experiment) by Learning using conventional methods. 4). There is a significant and positive effect between the perceptions of students about Learning Media Design Interactive CD Tutorial Computer Networking on Student Results Subjects Computer Networks of 42.4 %. In other words, the use of an interactive tutorial CD learning in class XI (TKJ 1) Department of Computer Networks SMK Muhammadiyah Padang can improve learning outcomes Computer Network.