Application of Value Approaches in Science Learning for Elementary School Teacher Education Students

  • Harlinda Syofyan, Ainur Rosyid, Trisia Lusiana Amir, Mega Elvianasti


The progress of science and technology is increasingly developing, along with these noble values ​​that must be maintained to maintain our attitudes and actions to the surrounding environment. There must be habituation and direction that must be done in order to get to the expected destination. The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of 6th Semester PGSD students in the Teaching and Education Faculty of Esa Unggul University in implementing the value approach in the learning implementation plan they had made. This study uses descriptive methods with data sources from the results of the assessment on the learning implementation plan with the assessment rubric that has been made. The scope of the material is about elementary school natural science learning with the provisions of the natural science material and free classes determined by the students themselves. The results obtained from the application of this value approach are that 90% and good categories, and 10% with enough categories in applying the value approach in the science learning design.

How to Cite
Harlinda Syofyan, Ainur Rosyid, Trisia Lusiana Amir, Mega Elvianasti. (2020). Application of Value Approaches in Science Learning for Elementary School Teacher Education Students. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(05), 8978-8981. Retrieved from