Age Estimation Based on Dental Panoramic Radiography Overview with Coronal Pulp Cavity Index (CPCI) Methods
Background: Forensic odontology is a branch of science in the field of dentistry, where the legal system and dentistry meet. Forensic examination is needed in cases where the chronological age of an individual is unknown because real identity does not exist or there is an indication of identity falsification, forensic testing is needed to estimate age. Chronological age is age based on date, month and year of birth. Dental age is an age calculation that is calculated by assessing human growth and development. The pulp on a tooth can be used as an indicator in determining age based on its size because as we get older the secondary dentine deposition occurs, therefore it can be used continuously as a parameter of age estimation. This study was used to present a method for assessing chronological age based on the relationship between age and tooth-coronal index measurement (TCI).
Objective:To determine the correlation between chronological age and dental age using the Coronal Pulp Cavity Index (CPCI) method on panoramic radiographic data and to determine the narrowing of the pulp chamber size in increasing age.
Method:This study used accidental sampling. Samples were selected according to those who met the criteria for patients referred to the Dental Hospital Hasanuddin University and Denta Medica Care Center to take panoramic photographs. All radiographs were printed by one examiner and used the CPCI method to obtain dental age. Subsequent scores were analyzed to see the difference between chronological age and dental age.
Results:Based on the results of the Linear Regression test, a p value: 0.02 (p <0.05), which means that there was a significant correlation between chronological age and dental age.
Conclusion:The difference between chronological age and dental age can be analyzed from the results of panoramic radiographs to determine dental age using the CPCI Method.