Implementation Of Java And Mysql ProgramTo Manage Item Inventory In Gilang Bangunan Store

  • Deci Irmayani, Masrizal, Elvina Harahap, Zuriani Ritonga, Zulkarnaen Nasution Arman Harahap


Currently the company's products and services face fierce competition. Over time the greater the desire and needs of consumers. When consumers increasingly want better quality then the industry must reduce costs and various other supporting aspects. One of the most fundamental is the increase in product management. Management products rated as one of the important factors in running a business. In general their views on the management of output produced and can be modified result as a shorter time and so on. The system is designed using modeling ASI. While the programming language used is Java and MySQL database. Here the authors analyze and design systems infrastructure applications to be built, navigation structure, and the database used to it in making the data processing system with the concept of JAVA, as the basic components and using a MySQL database.

How to Cite
Deci Irmayani, Masrizal, Elvina Harahap, Zuriani Ritonga, Zulkarnaen Nasution Arman Harahap. (2020). Implementation Of Java And Mysql ProgramTo Manage Item Inventory In Gilang Bangunan Store . International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(05), 8687-8692. Retrieved from